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Chocolate Lava Cake

Cook Time:

9 - 10 minutes


3 - 4 cakes

Chocolate Lava Cake

340 g dark chocolate (at least 75% cocoa content)
4 dessert spoons ground almonds
4 dessert spoons butter
5 Tsp fructose
4 large free range eggs
5 twists of the salt mill
2 dessert spoons unsweetened cocoa powder

Take a small saucepan and add water to this, bringing the water to a simmer. In a mixing bowl, break up the chocolate and place the bowl over the simmering pan of water, stirring the chocolate to help it melt. Keep taking the bowl off the water as you only want the chocolate to melt and not become too hot, try a minute on stirring constantly, then 2 minutes off continuing to stir.

In another mixing bowl, melt the butter and add fructose to this. Now add the egg a mix briefly until it is well combined with the butter and fructose. Now slowly drizzle the melted chocolate in using a hand mixer in the eggs. Make sure you only add a small amount at a time as you do not want to cook the raw egg with the chocolate. Once all the chocolate is mixed in, add the almonds and some salt.
Now use some butter to grease four to six ramekins and then sieve the cocoa powder over these. Finally add the chocolate/egg mix to the ramekins and allow to cool. When you are ready to serve, pre-heat the oven to 182 degrees Celsius and bake the ramekins for no more than 9 minutes, serving immediately afterwards.

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