Hashimoto Foods

KFC-Style Baked Chicken
Cook Time:
45 minutes
2 - 3 people

500 g buttermilk
4 dessert spoons gluten free flour
2/3 dessert spoon salt
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ dessert spoon dried thyme leaves
1/3 dessert spoon dried oregano leaves
1/3 dessert spoon powdered fenugreek
¼ dessert spoon black pepper corns
½ dessert spoon mustard seeds
3 dessert spoons sweet paprika
1 dessert spoon ground dried ginger
2.5 dessert spoons ground white pepper
2 large free-range bio eggs
1 free-range chicken with the back removed and cut into quarters (or just use legs and breasts on the bone)
150 g gluten free breadcrumbs
50 g butter
Start by pouring the buttermilk into a large bowl or dish that will fit in your fridge. Quarter the chicken then place the legs, wings and breasts (still on the bone) into the buttermilk making sure it is all submerged. Put in your fridge for at least 30 minutes, but no more than 6 hours.
When the chicken has marinated long enough, pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Continue by making the coating starting with adding the gluten free flour, thyme, baking powder, oregano, fenugreek, black pepper corns, mustard seeds, paprika, dried ginger and white pepper into a blender then whizz until you have a powder to coat the chicken with. Pour into a wide bowl and then add the gluten free breadcrumbs before mixing thoroughly. In a separate wide bowl, break the eggs and gently whisk until mixed, no need to make it fluffy you just want the egg white and yolk to mix together.
Melt the butter in a saucepan on a low heat so that it does not start to sizzle. When all is melted add around half to a baking tray and spread across. When the oven is hot enough, pour a little of the buttermilk into the eggs and mix well. Then take a chicken piece, shake off the excess buttermilk and then roll it in the coating on both sides before doing the same in the egg mix, then transfer back to the coating and roll again until it has a layer over the entire piece. When done, lay on the prepared baking tray. Continue until you have coated all the chicken then pour the remaining melted butter over the top of the chicken pieces before placing in the top third of the oven for 20 minutes. After this time, use a spatula to gently turn the chicken pieces then return to the oven and bake for a further 25 minutes. Leave to cool for at least 5 minutes before serving, for example with a salad or coleslaw.