Hashimoto Foods

Pork Fillet Steaks with Chanterelle Mushrooms
Cook Time:
50 minutes
Portion for 2 – 3 people

400 g chanterelle mushrooms (fresh and whole)
400 g pork fillet
1 small tube Crème légère
Half a pack of bacon
Leaves from 5 sprigs of parsley
1/3 of a teaspoon of powdered fenugreek
1 mug of black rice
2 teaspoons of sunflower oil
A couple of twists of salt and pepper
For this recipe, I used a rare breed of pig called Duroc. It is a cross bread between Iberico and American Jersey pigs and has a wonderful flavour. Because it is reared in freedom, the flavours are amazing and, of course, the meat is more expensive, but it is well worth it going for something free-range as the reward in the flavours is so worth it. As you end up with less meat, we bulked ours out with black rice.
Start by removing the meat from the fridge a good hour before you are going to cook it, then wash the mug of black rice and bring a saucepan to the boil, add the rice and reduce the heat to simmer for 50 minutes. While the rice is simmering, clean the chanterelle mushrooms by brushing with a dry brush (never ever wash mushrooms in water, it ruins the flavour as they suck up the moisture). When done, chop half the mushrooms into smaller pieces and set aside.
About 20 minutes before you want to cook, begin to pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius and use a piece of kitchen towel to pat dry the meat. Remove any sinew there may be and then slice diagonally across the meat to make steaks approximately 1 inch thick. Heat one teaspoons of sunflower oil in a large frying pan, then seal the outside of the meat on all sides in the pan for around a minute on each side (you want the meat to be sealed but not necessarily browned). Remove the steaks from the pan and wrap in tinfoil, then place in the oven.
Chop the bacon and fry in the same pan you sealed the steaks in, once the bacon bits a brown add the chopped chanterelles and cook stirring occasionally for 4 to 5 minutes. Add the remaining whole chanterelles, salt and pepper, fenugreek and Crème légère and continue to simmer and stir for another 4 minutes. You should end up with a creamy sauce, but if the mushrooms suck up the moisture add a little more Crème légère if needed as you want to have a sauce. Finally remove the sauce from the heat and stir in the chopped parsley.
Remove the steaks form the oven and place on a plate with the rice. Spoon over the chanterelle sauce and serve.