Hashimoto Foods

Spicy Mexican Flavoured Meatballs with Black Beans and Tomatoes
Cook Time:
35 minutes
Serves 3 - 4 people

4 medium to large free range chicken breasts
1 large organic carrot
1 large free range organic egg
2 teaspoons coriander seeds
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
2 dried Thai red chillies
A handful of washed flat leaf parsley leaves
1.5 dessert spoons vegetable oil
1 large red pepper (Capsicum)
1 400 g tin chopped organic tomatoes
1 dessert spoon tomato puree
1 teaspoon powdered fenugreek
400 millilitres organic gluten free vegetable stock
1 400 g tin black beans
Juice of 1 organic lime
Begin by de-seeding the pepper and removing the stalk s well as internal white structures, wash thoroughly then slice into thin fingers and set aside before peeling, topping and tailing then dicing a large organic carrot. Continue by heating the chillies, coriander and cumin seeds in a dry pan and when they start to smoke remove to a grinder and blitz to a fine powder. Then take the chicken breasts, remove any fat or sinew and then slice into small pieces and then add to a blender with the diced carrot, spice powder, egg and washed flat leaf parsley leaves. Whizz for 30 seconds, you want the chicken to be cut up, but not blitzed into a mush so if it needs more blitz for another 30 seconds, ideally you want some structure left and not a paste. When done, pinch a small amount out and roll in your hands into a ball about the size of a ping pong ball then place on a chopping board and continue until all the chicken is rolled.
Now heat a dessert spoon of vegetable oil in a large saucepan, then add some of the chicken balls and fry until the outside is cooked and slightly golden being careful when turning using two spoons. Cook in batches and set aside when all are done. Then add half a dessert spoon of oil and stir fry the peppers for 5 minutes before removing to a plate. Now add the tomato puree, chopped tomatoes, vegetable stock, powdered fenugreek and then wash and drain the black beans before adding these. Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 minutes regularly stirring. Then add back the chicken balls and cook for another ten minutes before removing from the heat, adding the lime juice and stirring thoroughly before then serving into bowls.