Hashimoto Foods

Beef Stew
Cook Time:
3 hours and 15 minutes
Serves 4 -5 people

1 kg beef (ideally with a little fat, rib is good) cut into large chunks
4 dessert spoons gluten free flour
3 dessert spoons vegetable oil
1.5 dessert spoons of powdered fenugreek
2 medium organic carrots
1 medium to large parsnip
5 – 6 small to medium sized potatoes
300 g organic bacon
300 millilitres strong red wine
1 tin chopped organic tomatoes
1 dessert spoon tomato puree
1.2 litres gluten free vegetable stock
5 bay leaves
Several good grinds of black pepper
2 teaspoon dried Thyme
1 dessert spoon balsamic vinegar
Begin by pre-heating your oven to 150 degrees Celsius and while that is happening, heating two dessert spoons of vegetable oil in a Dutch oven. While heating take 5-5 chunks of beef and thoroughly coat in the gluten free flour then add to the hot Dutch oven and leave to cook while taking the next batch of beef and thoroughly coating in GF flour. Turn the first batch after 1 – 2 minutes, ideally you want the beef to be browned and slightly dark then repeat on the uncooked side. When done, remove to the Dutch oven lid while continuing with the next batch until you have all the beef sealed and in the lid, then cover with the powdered fenugreek and a good few grinds of black pepper, then leave to stand.
Now add another spoon of vegetable oil to the Dutch oven, chop the bacon and add to the pan, then fry stirring regularly until the bacon is golden. Add the red wine, stir in so you release all the burned bits on the bottom of the pan then leave simmering until almost all the wine has evaporated, stir, then add the tomato puree and stir for a minute before adding the vegetable stock, bay leaves (making sure you slightly spit the sides to release their essential oils), chopped tomatoes, browned beef and balsamic vinegar. Continue by peeling, topping and tailing the carrots and parsnip, then cut into large chunks and stir in to the stew. Peel the potatoes and cut into chunks then also add to the stew. Bring the stew to a simmer then add the lid and place in the top part of the oven then cook for 2 and a ½ hours. Then remove the lid and replace in the oven for another hour. Once done, remove the bay leaves, stir thoroughly and serve to deep plates.